June 12th was the anniversary of my first transplant last summer. I have come a long way and so grateful for every day that I can go outside and be a part of my loved ones lives. All the testing to see how the transplants worked will be in August when we approach the anniversary of the donor transplant. So for now, I am continuing to get stronger and I finally feel better from the last hospitalization almost 2 months ago. Healing just takes longer for me. And I'm still immune suppressed. I am out and about, but need to wear a mask in crowds. Doug has helped with the garden this year as I'm not to be digging in dirt or leaves or anything with potential mold.
We've enjoyed having our children and grandchildren visit. We have done lots of hand washing and nobody has been sick. We have more children coming in town in July. And I may take my first road trip to Jackson with Doug in July. He has a conference and the change of scenery will be great.
The tacro taper is starting to happen-I hope this week. This will make a big difference as I get stronger. It's a drug to suppress graph vs. host, but also leaves me immune suppressed. What is someone to do?
What did I do on June 12th this year? (Besides celebrating Katie's birthday.) I went to Hatch's Chocolates on 8th Ave and bought some ice cream. Last year at this time, 8th Ave was the view from my hospital window. So I finally had to go in and see what it was like. I looked up to see where my room was for a month and felt such gratitude that I have come this far and this summer is so different.
Thanks everyone!